Access our latest Public Sector Equality Policy below to read about our Equality Statement and Objectives
Connaught School for Girls (CSFG) aims to ensure that its ethos, policies and practices respect and protect the rights of all individuals and that everyone is enabled to make the most of their abilities and qualities. Our school believes in high quality education, which will empower young women to strive for excellence and aim for future successes.
Equality is a core school value, central to the wider issue of social inclusion. It underpins the school curriculum and it is a key consideration in employment policy and practice. We believe that equality of opportunity is the central principle underlying all the work we do.
Access our latest Public Sector Equality Policy below to read about our Equality Statement and Objectives
Connaught School for Girls (CSFG) aims to ensure that its ethos, policies and practices respect and protect the rights of all individuals and that everyone is enabled to make the most of their abilities and qualities. Our school believes in high quality education, which will empower young women to strive for excellence and aim for future successes.
Equality is a core school value, central to the wider issue of social inclusion. It underpins the school curriculum and it is a key consideration in employment policy and practice. We believe
that equality of opportunity is the central principle underlying all the work we do. The school is focused on working collectively to prioritise and promote the diversity of our community, as this leads to better equality of opportunity for all individuals in society. We believe our school curriculum and teaching structures are pivotal in creating a hunger for learning and ensuring our students thrive.
Connaught School for Girls is placed in a community where people challenge being at a disadvantage, discrimination and prejudice. We provide a positive and personal learning experience, where all members are valued, irrespective of: sex (gender), race, disability, religion or belief, gender reassignment, sexual orientation or pregnancy or maternity. Our school aspires to make learning the central focus of all we do for our school community, where we actively seek to better our provision through reflection, evidence, and collaboration.
Close the achievement and progress gaps of identified groups.
Why we have chosen this objective: To ensure all our students are given equal access to high quality education to achieve all qualifications, so that they have the opportunity to progress in Further and Higher Education.
To achieve this objective we plan to: Use report data regularly to inform teaching and learning; ensure middle leaders and staff are aware of these students through line management, staff CPD sessions and systemic monitoring that shows support; research effective strategies to support students as appropriate to achieve better.
Progress we are making towards this objective: as a school we continue to use our internal monitoring systems of data and the use of FFT to analyse student progress.
Developing the pastoral curriculum to improve and support mental health and wellbeing of all our students in light of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Why we have chosen this objective: The school is preparing to create and construct a pastoral system to support student achievement and build character. The pandemic has shown how home circumstances vary greatly for our students and it is important to reevaluate how we can support better.
To achieve this objective we plan to: create a pastoral curriculum for both KS3 and KS4. The school is planning CPD to retrain all tutors and staff.
Progress we are making towards this objective: student surveys on Google classroom have taken place and will be followed up with analysis to inform the planning of the pastoral curriculum.
Train governors involved in overseeing the PSED policy to ensure they can monitor and evaluate how the school is compliant with the Equalities Act 2010.
Why we have chosen this objective: To ensure that our equalities agenda is explicit and embraced by all stakeholders in our school community. There will need to be a focus on self-reflection for the whole school and this will need to be shown in the evident experience of all members of our school community.
To achieve this objective we plan to: the respective governor will attend training and keep up-to-date with current information relating to PSED.
Progress we are making toward this objective: the governors will be focusing on electing a person to fill this role and work with the leadership team.